Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blaze Aid - Days 6 to 11

Photos above:

1. Lea and one of the wood piles we made

2. Ray checking out what job we were assigned to

3. Murray River Falls on the way home

4. Some of the cows on Mark's farm

Day 6
We were assigned to Mark & Steph Clair’s farm in the Murray River Falls area, 50 km south of Tully. Our team consisted of Glenys (a single lady about our age who has been with Blaze Aid for quite a while now. She has travelled very extensively; Africa, South America, Asia....) and Rod & Cecilia (who are a bit older than us). They are all Queenslanders.
Mark appeared much stressed when we arrived, but after working all day he warmed to us and you could tell he really appreciated our help. He desperately needs help with his fences because trees had fallen on them and the cows were getting through to the neighbour's property who was complaining. She has problems of her own and I think they are all under stress.

Pizzas for tea tonight – nobody had to cook.

Day 7
Back to Mark & Steph’s to finish off. We had Glenys, John and Joy with us this time.
Joy was good value because she has her own farm in Wakerie S.A. and was quite good at the fencing.
It was a nightmare driving up Mark’s drive and his neighbour’s was even worse.
We made progress on his property and he now has three good paddocks he can keep his cattle in. He was happy with what we had done but he still has a long way to go to get back on his feet.
Ray wants to go back and do more for him but there are other people on the list who also have problems.
We visited the Murray River falls on the way home.

Day 8
Took the Blaze Aid vehicle today because we had to go so far away. It didn’t help that we missed the turnoff and took ages to get there. We were working with Kat & Jenna (the English backpackers) and Rob (a Dutch backpacker). We worked at clearing trees so that the farmer (Tony) could make an alternative route into his property because the original one was so damaged in the cyclone. He is a tree feller himself and he worked hard with us all day, lopping huge trees which we then cut up and dragged away.
For a professional tree lopper he has an interesting approach to safety – he wore his thongs while he worked. ??? What can I say - he's a Queenslander.

It has been a long hard hot day and I am buggered.
After our showers, which we take as soon as we get back, we are in the habit of having a quiet drink on the lawn outside the van and people always come over for a talk. Tonight two old codgers (Bob and Jerry) who have just met up again after working at Blaze Aid Charlton together for 5 months came to join us. They are amazing for their age. Jerry is 80 and he spends most of his time volunteering. Bob is a great bloke and we got on very well with him.

Day 9
A day off.
Eugene has more than enough volunteers for today and we are exhausted, so we are taking the day off.
It is amazing how the grey nomads just keep pouring into help. It is very refreshing to see, and gives us a renewed faith in humanity at large. When you hear on the international news of all the terrible things people do to each other, it makes you proud to see the Aussie spirit in operation.
We have cleaned up the van, it was getting pretty messy, and Ray has changed the tyres on the car. We are getting ready to head north at the end of the week......
The afternoon at the beach will be good medicine. We will be having a BBQ on Mission beach tonight with the other volunteers.......
I had to go into Tully to pick up the backpackers and take them out to Mission beach for the BBQ.
......Turned out to be a bit cool and windy but the BBQ was great.

Day 10
Our team today was Lea (a French backpacker), Brenden (a young man who comes from Richmond, Vic. and is up here on business and called in to help just because he could) and us.
We went to help Ron and Val (an elderly couple in the outskirts of Tully on 2 acres). Ron only has one arm. Their property is in pretty good condition but the back perimeter has become overgrown with vines when the fallen trees were not removed and it is really beyond Ron. We made good progress and will return tomorrow to finish off. Val made a beautiful morning tea and lunch.
Ron and Val are very involved with the Lions Club and will be busy with the Tully show this weekend.

Day 11
Ray’s Birthday.
Went back to Val & Ron’s to finish off. They were all excited about their responsibilities with the upcoming Tully Show. We promised to catch up and buy pies and strawberries & cream from them when we visit the show.
Bought five birthday cakes to go around for tea. It was a good Birthday tea party with all the volunteers.

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