Monday, July 19, 2010

Iguazu Falls

Took an overnight bus (very comfortable with airline service) to Iguazu to see the falls.
Spent the first afternoon indoors because it was very wet.

Next day our tour of the falls was still very wet. We travelled through the Argentinian jungle reserve to get there. Travelling through the jungle when it´s raining is an experience in itself. The falls were spectacular and it took all day to see them completely. They have lots of metal boardwalks so that you can get right into the area. Some of the up close and personal views were a bit damp to say the least. At one stage we got drenched. There is so much power in the water that it causes lots of rising mist and it blocks out the view of the bottom of the falls.

We had a BBQ in our hotel for dinner that night. We just jagged it in for this wonderful Argentinian/Brasilian experience (came on the right day I think).

I missed the photo of a lifetime (forgot to take my camera to dinner).
They had a Samba cabaret performance that we did not expect.

There was a lot of audience participation and to start it off they picked people out to be part of the cabaret performance before the dancing. Ray was selected with three other guys. The very well endowed dancing girls with next to nothing on except a fancy headdress and spangly G-strings, gave them the thrilling experience of a life time. Ray had to wipe the steam from his glasses to see what was happening to him.
This will be dinner conversation fodder for many months to come.

Ray thought he had got away without being noticed too much, until we checked out next morning and the girl at reception, recognizing him, greeted him with "Oh the Dancer!!" - sprung!! - the famous Samba dancer extraordinaire.

The dancing was fun too. Pity about my camera, I could have had the proof.

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